Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Horizon's Ridge block party info

Reminder that the HR block party is this Saturday, July 18 at the park.

Please bring a dessert if you live in an even # house, or a side dish if you live in an odd # house. Adults will have catering from Minnie's Garden Grill and a keg of beer. Kids will have hot dogs, juice box or water.

Don't forget the kids!!! PARADE with firetruck at 6:00 pm. Have the kids decorate their bikes and ride around the block following the firetruck.

Please bring any additional drinks you would like and lawn chairs to make yourself comfy.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Horizons Ridge Block Party

Horizon's Ridge block party is this Saturday, July 18.

Horizons Ridge Block Party update

Here's an e-mail from Mignonne:

Hello Neighbors, I do not have RSVP's from the above families. I'll need you "yes" or "no" and donation by the end of today (7/13). The numbers have to be called into the caterer by this Tuesday. Hope they're all "Yes" :0) Mignonne


Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey Neighbors!

Jason and I are hosting our annual Boozapalooza this Saturday. Its not a kid-friendly event, but if you enjoy free beer or competing in a few games in the back yard, head on over around 7:30pm, just look for the palm tree and tacky tropical gear in the yard, you can't miss it.